Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Wormholers guide to the Regions - Syndicate

‘Wretched hive of scum and villainy’ applies nicely to this place. Historically settled by Intaki exiles from the Federation it is a region of independent powers brought together to form the Syndicate.

0.0 space

The system I popped into had a number of inhabitants of the corporation Clown Punchers [Bonzo], they were most certainly NBSI (not Blue Shoot it). I had wandered into the local Intaki Police Station as the only station in the system and finding nothing interesting to buy I undocked into the cross fire of a crusader and his mate. I was well into structure before I managed to dock again. He got fed up talking crap in local later and on leaving the station I found him gone. The sneaky clown had found the WH entrance and set up a bubble round it. I presume his idea was to catch people coming from the WH as I landed in the bubble, slow boated to the WH and jumped out without any problem.

The region has 1 named system – Piotot.

Eve Wikia page on The Syndicate
Evelopedia entry &
Someone went to the trouble of setting up a web site nothing of note on it though.

Couldn’t find a market of note.
Home page of Clownpunchers, including a very much over 18 podcast.

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