Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Anomaly levels

(Faction) Burrow
(Faction) Hideaway
(Faction) Refuge
(Faction) Den
(Faction) Yard
(Faction) Rally Point
(Faction) Port
(Faction) Hub
(Faction) Haven
(Faction) Sanctum

NullSec Anomalies

After having spent a month exploring high-sec and dipping my toe into low-sec, I am trying out nullsec exploration. It is, as one might imagine, a TOTALY different kettle of fish. I brought an Ishtar out here and dropped into an Angel Haven to have a go. Two volleys from the defenders and I fled flames following me all the way back to the repair-shop.

So last night I tried again in a Dominix with a corp member, Avail, in a dps Mymidon. The dual LARII tank was severely tested and at one point we had to warp out, recover and come back in. Angel rats put out a range of damage, stacking explosive hardeners doesn't do it.

The long and short of it is: need to improve speed/reward ratio, we simply didn't make that much money in the hour we shot the angels. To improve I plan to change my Dominix so that:
  • it uses explosive drones;
  • has three railguns;
  • has a cap booster
  • take off recharger and replace with webifier
With this ship Slay would be able to do the anomoly I did last night by myself, but it was faster and more fun with someone else.

A New Home in Tenerifis

SI Radio has a new home in KWsomethingorother in Tenerifis. Sitting in the middle of the system is an outpost held together by duct-tape and magic shields.
The magic shields work like this: When the place belongs to someone else you shoot it. After a while the outpost become invulnerable. After 24ish hours you can shoot the remaining shields off the place. Then, by magic, they spring back to full with your name over the door!
So I sat with 40ish other alliance members at point blank range in a neutron blaster domi with Garde II sentries blasting away. When you don't need any tank they can put out an impressive amount of dps! We then took down the TCU and SBU and all the other TLAs, put up our own and hey presto! We had a home.
The market has a surprising amount of useful stuff on it which surprised me, the repairshop is free, their are plenty of belts, loads of anomolies and more Arkonor than you can possibly mine. It is my first real taste of alliance life in nullsec and so far things have gone quite well. N'Ascent, our inveterate prober found a direct high-sec WH yesterday, took the opportunity to fill up on some bits that I had forgotten to bring out, if that happens much then Arkonor is being shipped straight out to Empire!
We got our moment of fame when we appeared on the login news page and life has settled down remarkably quickly. The alliance certainly needs to recruit some more EU tz peeps but I am enjoying life out in the depths of nullsec.