Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Maze

The end game of plexing in Eve - the famous Maze. A 10/10 plex in northern nullsec this will test a tank and find a weakness.

A series of deadspace gates linked up together in such a manner to cause players without the secret of the maze to end up back where they started. However, if the right gate sequence is followed, you end up in a room with a Gurista Space Station throwing 30k torps at the unfortunate tank and an opportunity for some nice loot.

Last night 5 of us ran it, one of us a Gila tank with 83%EM resists (the shade of hurt the torps deliver), a shield logi, 3 Drakes and myself in an Astarte mixing it up with the blinky red crosses at spitting range. It took us 90minutes because some nice person had been there before us and had cleaned the place out as far as the last room. All we had to do was get to the last room, kill everything and loot! The tank shields on our watch lists told us why the previous occupant had bugged out, at one point the Gila was bleeding armour, his shield gone and all of us looking at the short trip home in a pod, but the next rep cycle picked him up and allowed us to reduce the Gurista ships to a manageable number.

The trick to the gates was this. Align your actual view so that you are looking directly down on the gates from above. Then open F11 and align your view (the white cone) to the north of the map. The gate pointing towards the following numbers is the correct gate to take.
Room 1 - 4 o'clock gate
Room 2 - 8 o'clock gate
Room 3 - 12 o'clock gate
Room 4 - 9 o'clock gate
In between the main rooms there are small antechambers with one gate in it and defenders to disuade you from going further.
The station dropped a container containing 3 pieces of Gisti loot that should sell for about 1.4billion between them. 250million for the five of us for an evenings work isn't bad!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Joining BSCL

Slayfoe's Bull was a year in SI Radio. I got to play in Providence, Great Wildlands and then Tenerifis. It was my first nullsec outing (WormHole space is different in my eyes) and showed me what Eve Online has to offer at the deep end. I can whole-heartedly say that I recommend it to anyone that feels like playing Eve.
For the beginner, it helps to have a few skill points but it isn't strictly necessary. The guidance you get from the corp members will be invaluable. A shield drake is enough to do 0,0 ratting, mining is monetarily rewarding and you can help groups in plexes with salvaging or even a bit of dps. But above all you will learn game skills that you'll never get in Empire - scouting, agression mechanics, sovereignty mechanics and fleet survival skills. You'll also make friends because you will be relying on people like you never have to in Empire.
Once you get used to living in NBSI (Not Blue, Shoot It!) coming back to Empire for the odd shopping trip is strange. Space is crowded, you can't ses everyone in local and you can buy anything you please at your local supermarket system. But best of all, the Empire folks will buy anything you bring back from deep null sec, generally ABC ores.
When you live in nullsec you live a different game, who is at war with who matters. Will the station you logged off in before the weekend still be yours in Monday evening? Will your space be full of roaming gangs? Has your alliance decided to take space from someone? You check the sov maps daily, you keep and eye on the rag called Eve24 and ensure your escape routes are clear. The really organised make an alt able to pilot a jumpfrieghter and ensure you live within jump distance of low-sec, but that requires money and time. Well organised corporations will offer this logistical ability to their members.
But the good times come to an end. In my case we lost the head of our corporation and alliance. And with the head cut off, the body failed. So now Slayfoe's Bull runs with BSCL out of Deklein, a good bunch of friendly players willing to help each other out and not take anything too seriously.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Not a Failscade

Players of Eve Online tend to be of the more dedicated, even serious, types of gamers. Sometimes we take a break, sometimes real life intrudes but on the whole a lot of us have played and invested in the game quite heavily. This is particularly true once you take sov in null-sec and the reason it hurts all the more to be kicked back to Empire by the Red Juggernaut.

It looks like the final station timer on our erstwhile home of KW-0AM will happen shortly and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that we can do about it. In my mind we would all go down in flames fighting to the last Stealth Bomber in a guerilla harrassement campaign, getting back to the station by pod express. Of course saner minds prevailed and all assets have been evacuated back to Empire space.

The downside to this orderly withdrawal has been the end of the alliance. We didn't fight together to hold the space so we disperse on the wind with well-meaning goodbyes and fly safes. The more aggressive immediately seeking out other null-sec homes, the more industrious to the ice belts of Empire Space.

A Failscade can be defined as the end of an alliance in an undignified manner. Perhaps not an appropriate description in this case so lets just call it a fitting end to a null sec adventure.