There was the first foray south where we hooked up with a crowd called the Sukanen Alliance where a low sec CVA type of NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot- Eve shorthand for: I am not a miserable ganker). This place has got level 4 agents that work for Chemal Tech. In order to use these you must get your rep up to high enough which explains a venture into the north of Caldari space where Chemal Tech had a nice level 3 agent.
There is a long wander round AAA and BOB (now GOON) space. This was done in a Tristan called Tourist and if I remember correctly trying to run away from flashing red people. This clone got as far as Serpentis Prime before jumping back to Empire Space.
The long trail of dots round the core worlds comes from doing the epic mission for the storyline.
Lastly there are little lines of dots making there way from no where to local markets. These come from popping into known space from wormhole space randomly.
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