Monday, December 6, 2010

An SI Radio Roam in the Great Wildlands

So Sunday night rolled round and I was fortunate enough to be able to log and play with SI Radio. The first corp roam I had participated with in Null Sec. Nothing is ever simple in Eve. The fleet was split in two with half in Teon the other half in N-D so first order of the day was to regroup. Naturally the half in null sec ran smack into a Brick Squad (Red) gang at the second gate. Some had aggessed, some hadn't. Those that hadn't aggressed managed to jump through up the pipe to Teon leaving the rest on N-D the side.

We spent the rest of the evening playing with the Brick Squad and other reds coming down from Etherium Reach. Result: 1 Republic Firetail (Minie faction frigate) 1 Vagabond (Minie Heavy Assault) and 1 Hurricane (Minie Battlecruiser) on their side to 1 Crusader (Amarr interceptor) and 1 Omen (Amarr cruiser) on our side. Materially we came of the better though for a while it looked like I was going to add my Myrmidon to the loses, after all I still hadn't taken part in a fleet op in GW without losing a ship!

We had a series of fc, Errik did very well, Stryker had a go. We were safe and got our kills in ambushes. We took our loses to another Brick Squad gang in small fast ships that would land and get away before we could target.

We had rolled out in an armour BC fleet with plenty of dps, an Onieros doing armour reps and two cov ops for scouts. The scouts were deployed ahead and behind. They did an excellent job. out forward scout in particular, Lynn, did an excellent job at reporting targets.

The BC was a mixed bag, plenty of drones, short range and medium range guns. vv01r in the Crusader was the fastest ship we had but wasn't enough to catch the small fast ships coming though the gate. We were 14 ships for most of the roam.

In summary: though we were short a method of locking and tackling very fast ships we got some victims and had a very enjoyable evening.

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