Sunday, October 25, 2009

Red v Blue: 3rd party war declarations

Well my experience with Red v Blue continues, not quite as I thought it would. When I logged on last night I fitted out a Tristan and flew in search of Blues. Found a gang made up if an Incursus, Incursus and Rifter. I thought about it for at least half a second and engaged managing to pop one of the Incursus before finding myself in a pod. So I can PVP, next time I should just pick better odds.

Out again shortly afterwards I find a Red and Blue cruiser at the same gate and let them 1 v 1, picked up the loot and traded it back to the loser.

Then the real education began.
The whole Red v Blue is quite well known so both corps have been war decced several times over. I get back to the base to pick up another frigate (have lost 5 Incursus, 4 Imicus and 4 Tristan’s so far) and find a Dominix sitting outside popping Red’s as they emerged from the station. He is from one of the corps that war decced the Red v Blue fun. First of all I lost 3 friagtes trying to figure out how to fight a Domi before settling on an Imicus with a sensor booster and 3 warriors. Every time he launched drones I would shoot them from 65k out. Eventually he called in a Megatron friend to chase me away. By the time I logged for the night 3 different corps had a variety of Tech 2 ships and battleships outside the base waiting for fun. They were disappointed as Red simply went to play elsewhere with Blue.

Lastly, a screen shot of a real nut case, a Red pilot that brought a faction Frigate to the fight!

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