Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to beat stagnation

I have managed to get things together and my medium term goal of flying a Myrmidon has come to fruition. Not only that, but while away for a long weekend in Prague, I got my skills together to be able to fly Hammerhead II drones.

Now I find myself meandering through missions and rapidly boring of them. They are simply to repetitive and not hard enough to interest. My skill training is meandering as well as I decide I want to fly Iteron V’s then Gallente battleships then Ogre II drones. This all comes down to not really knowing what I want to do. The corporation are lovely and interesting people but don’t appear to be keen on the fractional warfare (FW) aspect of the game and getting into PVP was the main reason for getting into Eve. There are 2 lads in the corp that go off and do their own thing on 0,0 space – I might have a chat with them over the next few days and kit up a frigate or two in the expectation of loosing them. Some excitement would be good and might be the solution.

Some Eve-online blogs are really funny, here is one that I enjoy

In WOW I gave notice to FWE that I would be taking the summer off, after all the fun and games of the latest guild split I really can’t be bothered to log on. Nexxuss (the GM) got defensive about my post but hopefully it can all start over come autumn, Dougal might have some time by then as the baby becomes more independent.

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