Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Not a Failscade

Players of Eve Online tend to be of the more dedicated, even serious, types of gamers. Sometimes we take a break, sometimes real life intrudes but on the whole a lot of us have played and invested in the game quite heavily. This is particularly true once you take sov in null-sec and the reason it hurts all the more to be kicked back to Empire by the Red Juggernaut.

It looks like the final station timer on our erstwhile home of KW-0AM will happen shortly and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that we can do about it. In my mind we would all go down in flames fighting to the last Stealth Bomber in a guerilla harrassement campaign, getting back to the station by pod express. Of course saner minds prevailed and all assets have been evacuated back to Empire space.

The downside to this orderly withdrawal has been the end of the alliance. We didn't fight together to hold the space so we disperse on the wind with well-meaning goodbyes and fly safes. The more aggressive immediately seeking out other null-sec homes, the more industrious to the ice belts of Empire Space.

A Failscade can be defined as the end of an alliance in an undignified manner. Perhaps not an appropriate description in this case so lets just call it a fitting end to a null sec adventure.

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