Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Wormholers Guide to the Regions
As an inhabitant of Sleeper space I occasionally pop into Empire space to renew my clone, buy some tech 2 gear and buy some skill books. Up to my emigration to WH space I lived in Gallente space with occasional forays into other empires and didn’t really know my way round New Eden.When sleeper space connects to New Eden, it connects quite randomly as far as I can figure. Sometimes into high sec, sometimes low sec and other time 00. Last night while trying to find a way back home for some of my corp mates stuck in New Eden I emerged into low sec in Syndicate from a class 5 system. As an aide memoire I am going to record my impressions and anything useful about the regions I connect to.
Eve Online,
Wormholers Tourism Guide
Wormholers Guide to the Regions - Solitude
I popped out into known space a few nights ago while looking for some way to get some lost sheep home. To my pleasant surprise I found myself in high-sec, but a quite peculiar part of high sec. It is not unusual to have high sec islands, but this is a region-wide high sec island!
High-sec/ low-sec
Part of the Gallente Federation is accessible from the rest of Empire space through Aridia of Syndicate. Now Syndicate isn’t the most friendly place. Aridia I have to yet to explore.
Local market: Octanneve
Interesting looking place, low sec, high sec and immediate access to 0.0 sec. Not to crowded either.
High-sec/ low-sec
Part of the Gallente Federation is accessible from the rest of Empire space through Aridia of Syndicate. Now Syndicate isn’t the most friendly place. Aridia I have to yet to explore.
Local market: Octanneve
Interesting looking place, low sec, high sec and immediate access to 0.0 sec. Not to crowded either.
Eve Online,
Wormholers Tourism Guide
A Wormholers guide to the Regions - Syndicate
‘Wretched hive of scum and villainy’ applies nicely to this place. Historically settled by Intaki exiles from the Federation it is a region of independent powers brought together to form the Syndicate.
0.0 space
The system I popped into had a number of inhabitants of the corporation Clown Punchers [Bonzo], they were most certainly NBSI (not Blue Shoot it). I had wandered into the local Intaki Police Station as the only station in the system and finding nothing interesting to buy I undocked into the cross fire of a crusader and his mate. I was well into structure before I managed to dock again. He got fed up talking crap in local later and on leaving the station I found him gone. The sneaky clown had found the WH entrance and set up a bubble round it. I presume his idea was to catch people coming from the WH as I landed in the bubble, slow boated to the WH and jumped out without any problem.
The region has 1 named system – Piotot.
Eve Wikia page on The Syndicate
Evelopedia entry &
Someone went to the trouble of setting up a web site nothing of note on it though.
Couldn’t find a market of note.
Home page of Clownpunchers, including a very much over 18 podcast.
0.0 space
The system I popped into had a number of inhabitants of the corporation Clown Punchers [Bonzo], they were most certainly NBSI (not Blue Shoot it). I had wandered into the local Intaki Police Station as the only station in the system and finding nothing interesting to buy I undocked into the cross fire of a crusader and his mate. I was well into structure before I managed to dock again. He got fed up talking crap in local later and on leaving the station I found him gone. The sneaky clown had found the WH entrance and set up a bubble round it. I presume his idea was to catch people coming from the WH as I landed in the bubble, slow boated to the WH and jumped out without any problem.
The region has 1 named system – Piotot.
Eve Wikia page on The Syndicate
Evelopedia entry &
Someone went to the trouble of setting up a web site nothing of note on it though.
Couldn’t find a market of note.
Home page of Clownpunchers, including a very much over 18 podcast.
Eve Online,
Wormholers Tourism Guide
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I saw this theme a few weeks ago where everyone showed where they had been with their character. So here is a potted history of Slay's travels.
The blob in the middle is probably normal for a first Gallente Character, Slay hung round where he started and was familiar with - Essence & Sinq Liaison.
There was the first foray south where we hooked up with a crowd called the Sukanen Alliance where a low sec CVA type of NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot- Eve shorthand for: I am not a miserable ganker). This place has got level 4 agents that work for Chemal Tech. In order to use these you must get your rep up to high enough which explains a venture into the north of Caldari space where Chemal Tech had a nice level 3 agent.
There is a long wander round AAA and BOB (now GOON) space. This was done in a Tristan called Tourist and if I remember correctly trying to run away from flashing red people. This clone got as far as Serpentis Prime before jumping back to Empire Space.
The long trail of dots round the core worlds comes from doing the epic mission for the storyline.
Lastly there are little lines of dots making there way from no where to local markets. These come from popping into known space from wormhole space randomly.

There was the first foray south where we hooked up with a crowd called the Sukanen Alliance where a low sec CVA type of NRDS (Not Red Don't Shoot- Eve shorthand for: I am not a miserable ganker). This place has got level 4 agents that work for Chemal Tech. In order to use these you must get your rep up to high enough which explains a venture into the north of Caldari space where Chemal Tech had a nice level 3 agent.
There is a long wander round AAA and BOB (now GOON) space. This was done in a Tristan called Tourist and if I remember correctly trying to run away from flashing red people. This clone got as far as Serpentis Prime before jumping back to Empire Space.
The long trail of dots round the core worlds comes from doing the epic mission for the storyline.
Lastly there are little lines of dots making there way from no where to local markets. These come from popping into known space from wormhole space randomly.
Eve Online

Drifnir is an Amarr pilot in the corp from Denmark, I enjoy playing Eve with him. Last night he was good enough to send me a pile of images that he has taken in game. I thouht this one should be shared, it looks pretty cool!
Eve Online
When your Eyes are Bigger than your Stomach

I have been busy lately so I was pleasantly surprised on Monday when I logged on to find that I was in a fleet of 12, mainly MNEE pilots with a scattering of Caldari Incorporated. Everyone was 1 system over either shooting sleepers or mining a core deposit.
Slayfoe’s job was to take the catalyst and clean up after the shooters while Carraig shot away at a Jaspet rock, 2 full cans of Jaspet later and the hauler announced a teeny problem, the WH was on it’s last legs.
At this point there are 3 Hulks, a Retriever, an Iteron V, Slay in a Catalyst and a pile of battleships. It is patently clear that not everyone is going to get home. Naturally it happened at the end of the evening when everyone on this side of the pond wants to get to bed.
In a very disciplined manner the miners were packed off home leaving combat pilots sitting in their BS waiting for rescue. Drifnir, being an active guy headed off through a low sec WH (that was too small for the BS to pass through) to get himself a scanning ship. While in known space fitting this out he gets an Evemail announcing the death of his ship. Amazing how good the post office is at finding it’s way out of WH space...
Lessons learnt: never leave a shiny ship alone, someone will take advantage. What we couldn’t understand is why someone blew it up rather then steal it, it was about 300million worth of ship.
Slayfoe’s job was to take the catalyst and clean up after the shooters while Carraig shot away at a Jaspet rock, 2 full cans of Jaspet later and the hauler announced a teeny problem, the WH was on it’s last legs.
At this point there are 3 Hulks, a Retriever, an Iteron V, Slay in a Catalyst and a pile of battleships. It is patently clear that not everyone is going to get home. Naturally it happened at the end of the evening when everyone on this side of the pond wants to get to bed.
In a very disciplined manner the miners were packed off home leaving combat pilots sitting in their BS waiting for rescue. Drifnir, being an active guy headed off through a low sec WH (that was too small for the BS to pass through) to get himself a scanning ship. While in known space fitting this out he gets an Evemail announcing the death of his ship. Amazing how good the post office is at finding it’s way out of WH space...
Lessons learnt: never leave a shiny ship alone, someone will take advantage. What we couldn’t understand is why someone blew it up rather then steal it, it was about 300million worth of ship.
Eve Online,
Wormhole Operations
Monday, June 15, 2009
MNEE as of June 2009
I thought it would be good to record the names of our growing band. Some of the members of the corporation have been on sabbatical to MNEI, WOW or other pursuits (becoming a father in my case) but slowly the band grows and we get to do more each week. I logged on last night to find 10 people in the corporation channel and 11 in the Nomadic Intel channel.
What is really nice is that many of the arrivals are serious miners (read: can fly a hulk) that are busy pillaging grav sites. As Mono said last night, it is only a matter of time before the Roidhugger environmentalists turn up. It turns out that a mixed operation of anomaly running and mining in adjacent systems burns wormhole mass quite fast, this is because we use battleships for the class 4 anomalies.
Active MNEE pilots as of 14 June 2009
Monomorium and his alt Washelg
Slayfoe and his alt Caraig NaTairbhe
Go Shek
Fakie and his alt
What is really nice is that many of the arrivals are serious miners (read: can fly a hulk) that are busy pillaging grav sites. As Mono said last night, it is only a matter of time before the Roidhugger environmentalists turn up. It turns out that a mixed operation of anomaly running and mining in adjacent systems burns wormhole mass quite fast, this is because we use battleships for the class 4 anomalies.
Active MNEE pilots as of 14 June 2009
Monomorium and his alt Washelg
Slayfoe and his alt Caraig NaTairbhe
Go Shek
Fakie and his alt
Eve Online
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Took this shot last night while warping with the fleet to another sleeper anomoly. Looks like Rubico's Raven got tired and hitched a lift! It was a large system and the jump was over 200AU so with him being a squid face and all it probably is understandable.
Eve Online,
Wormhole Operations
The limits of blogger
I had written out 2 more articles on gunnery in which I had spent time making out nice tables. Unfortunately, it appears that Blogger is unable to present tabulated information. If anyone finds a way of presenting tables do let me know.
Gunnery: An Introduction to the Hybrid Turret
As a Gallente pilot my first love has always been my drones. In the last year I started to see my high slots as something more than drone targeting suggestions. Anyone who has used drones will understand that drones have minds of their own that occasionally give the impression that the pilot is in charge. Guns, however, shoot the person you ask them to shoot.
The different hybrid turret options
Gallente pilots start of with a basic skill set in hybrid turrets. These turrets come in 2 varieties, railguns (medium to long distance, slower recharge, slower tracking) and blasters (short range high damage dealers, faster tracking and higher rate of fire). The turrets come in 3 varieties in each size bracket each using more powergrid and CPU than the previous one but also shooting further and causing more damage.
Small blasters
Small electron blaster (least powergrid, cpu and damage)
Small ion blaster
Small neutron blaster (most powergrid, cpu and damage)
Small railgun
75mm railgun
125mm railgun
150mm railgun
Medium blasters and railguns
…The pattern repeats as the turrets get larger
Though it might look like sense to load up with the biggest guns you quickly reach limits. These limits are usually lack of cpu and powergrid on your ship. However, with improved skills you can improve these limits (electronics and weapon upgrades either improve the cpu of your ship or reduce the turret requirement, engineering and advanced weapon upgrades improves the powergrid output or reduces the turret powergrid requirement).
To further complicate matters improved tech 1 versions of these guns can drop as loot from NPCs or be bought on the market. The basic turrets are rated meta level 0 or 1. Improved versions have meta level 2, 3 and 4. The Meta level 4 turrets are generally more expensive than tech 2 turrets because of their lower skill requirements, rarity and being almost as good as their tech 2 equivilent!
The hybrid turret stats
For those that are new to how damage is dealt with in Eve, check out the following article in eve-wiki (
Each hybrid turret comes with a fixed optimal and falloff range, tracking speed, damage modifier and capacitor requirement.
Optimal and fall-off
Optimal range is the range within which you have the standard chance of hitting. Beyond optimal range is the fall-off range. As you move away from the ship your chance of hitting diminishes. At optimal + fall-off range you have about 50% chance of hitting. Hybrid blaster turrets have short optimal and fall off ranges, railgun turrets have longer optimal and fall-off ranges. Generally the larger the gun the longer the optimal and fall-off ranges are.
Tracking speed
This is how fast your guns can turn to keep up with enemy ships – remember the x-wing fighters attacking the Death Star? Well, it turns out that the Death Star had poor tracking skills. The tracking on a blaster is superior to that on a railgun. If you want to get up close and orbit fast you need blasters. If you are happy to stand off and be a sniper then railguns would be the better choice.
Damage modifier
The blaster hybrid turret is designed as a short range high damage dealer, whereas the railgun is designed to hit from further out and consequently has a lower damage modifier. For beginning players that learn to play through running missions, railguns are the preferred approach. Warp in, stand off and shoot them as they try to close on your position.
PVP gives the option of getting up close and dirty, orbiting fast with short range blasters and chewing up your opponent.
Capacitor requirement
This has never affected me much while playing. Train up capacitor skills early on and ensure that you always have some capacitor left to warp out when the going gets nasty. At the beginning of your career you will be more concerned about using your capacitor to maintain your tank and using your drones to do damage. For completeness, know that railguns use more capacitor than blasters to shoot but that ammunition that you might load into your turrets change the capacitor required.
The inherent disadvantage of hybrid turrets
Hybrid weapons cause mixed thermal/ kinetic damage only. If you know you’re going to be facing a Gallente pilot stack the thermal/ kinetic hardeners!
Hybrid ammo
The turrets can be loaded up with different types of ammo that allow tactical flexibility in range selection (antimatter ammo for short range up to iron ammo for long range). Each ammo type causes a fixed amount of thermal and kinetic damage. Each type of ammo also has a range and capacitor usage modifier. The short range ammo (antimatter) causes more damage and uses most cap whereas the long range ammo (iron) causes the least damage and uses less cap.
As well as the standard ammo there is faction ammo (expensive tech 1 sold by NPCs) and tech 2 ammo which only fits into tech 2 guns.
The skills required
The following basic gunnery skills improve whatever weapon system you choose to use (hybrid, lasers or projectile guns):
Gunnery (2% increase to rate of fire)
Controlled bursts (5% decease to capacitor use)
Motion prediction (5% bonus to weapon tracking speed)
Rapid firing (4% bonus to rate of fire)
Sharpshooter (5% to weapon turret optimal range)
Surgical Strike (3% bonus to turret damage)
Trajectory Analysis (5% bonus fall-off range)
Weapon upgrades (5% reduction in CPU requirement)
Advanced weapon upgrades (5% reduction in power grid requirement)
Other skills are required to use specific weapon systems, in our case, hybrid turrets. Note that railguns and blasters are both forms of hybrid turrets:
Small hybrid turret (5% damage to small hybrid turret damage)
Medium hybrid turret, large hybrid turrets and I presume larger for capital ships.
Highly specialised skills required to use tech 2 weapon systems. At this level you must choose to improve either railguns or blasters:
Small railgun specialisation (2% increase in damage to tech 2 small railgun turrets)
Small blaster specialisation (2% increase in damage to tech 2 small blaster turrets)
At the start of your career as a Gallente pilot you could do worse than train up your railgun skills as a bonus to your main damage source (drones) on missions. As you progress and perhaps get into shooting other players there is a good chance that you will end up in a Thorax loaded up with blasters. Note that you are not fixed to going down the route of hybrid guns, these are just the turrets for which Gallente players have starting skills and the type of turrets that Gallente ships have bonuses for.Also note that some skills are hybrid turret specific but others give bonuses to all weapon systems. Naturally these skills are good time investments as they will transfer if you take a liking to projectile guns for your Myrmidon J
The different hybrid turret options
Gallente pilots start of with a basic skill set in hybrid turrets. These turrets come in 2 varieties, railguns (medium to long distance, slower recharge, slower tracking) and blasters (short range high damage dealers, faster tracking and higher rate of fire). The turrets come in 3 varieties in each size bracket each using more powergrid and CPU than the previous one but also shooting further and causing more damage.
Small blasters
Small electron blaster (least powergrid, cpu and damage)
Small ion blaster
Small neutron blaster (most powergrid, cpu and damage)
Small railgun
75mm railgun
125mm railgun
150mm railgun
Medium blasters and railguns
…The pattern repeats as the turrets get larger
Though it might look like sense to load up with the biggest guns you quickly reach limits. These limits are usually lack of cpu and powergrid on your ship. However, with improved skills you can improve these limits (electronics and weapon upgrades either improve the cpu of your ship or reduce the turret requirement, engineering and advanced weapon upgrades improves the powergrid output or reduces the turret powergrid requirement).
To further complicate matters improved tech 1 versions of these guns can drop as loot from NPCs or be bought on the market. The basic turrets are rated meta level 0 or 1. Improved versions have meta level 2, 3 and 4. The Meta level 4 turrets are generally more expensive than tech 2 turrets because of their lower skill requirements, rarity and being almost as good as their tech 2 equivilent!
The hybrid turret stats
For those that are new to how damage is dealt with in Eve, check out the following article in eve-wiki (
Each hybrid turret comes with a fixed optimal and falloff range, tracking speed, damage modifier and capacitor requirement.
Optimal and fall-off
Optimal range is the range within which you have the standard chance of hitting. Beyond optimal range is the fall-off range. As you move away from the ship your chance of hitting diminishes. At optimal + fall-off range you have about 50% chance of hitting. Hybrid blaster turrets have short optimal and fall off ranges, railgun turrets have longer optimal and fall-off ranges. Generally the larger the gun the longer the optimal and fall-off ranges are.
Tracking speed
This is how fast your guns can turn to keep up with enemy ships – remember the x-wing fighters attacking the Death Star? Well, it turns out that the Death Star had poor tracking skills. The tracking on a blaster is superior to that on a railgun. If you want to get up close and orbit fast you need blasters. If you are happy to stand off and be a sniper then railguns would be the better choice.
Damage modifier
The blaster hybrid turret is designed as a short range high damage dealer, whereas the railgun is designed to hit from further out and consequently has a lower damage modifier. For beginning players that learn to play through running missions, railguns are the preferred approach. Warp in, stand off and shoot them as they try to close on your position.
PVP gives the option of getting up close and dirty, orbiting fast with short range blasters and chewing up your opponent.
Capacitor requirement
This has never affected me much while playing. Train up capacitor skills early on and ensure that you always have some capacitor left to warp out when the going gets nasty. At the beginning of your career you will be more concerned about using your capacitor to maintain your tank and using your drones to do damage. For completeness, know that railguns use more capacitor than blasters to shoot but that ammunition that you might load into your turrets change the capacitor required.
The inherent disadvantage of hybrid turrets
Hybrid weapons cause mixed thermal/ kinetic damage only. If you know you’re going to be facing a Gallente pilot stack the thermal/ kinetic hardeners!
Hybrid ammo
The turrets can be loaded up with different types of ammo that allow tactical flexibility in range selection (antimatter ammo for short range up to iron ammo for long range). Each ammo type causes a fixed amount of thermal and kinetic damage. Each type of ammo also has a range and capacitor usage modifier. The short range ammo (antimatter) causes more damage and uses most cap whereas the long range ammo (iron) causes the least damage and uses less cap.
As well as the standard ammo there is faction ammo (expensive tech 1 sold by NPCs) and tech 2 ammo which only fits into tech 2 guns.
The skills required
The following basic gunnery skills improve whatever weapon system you choose to use (hybrid, lasers or projectile guns):
Gunnery (2% increase to rate of fire)
Controlled bursts (5% decease to capacitor use)
Motion prediction (5% bonus to weapon tracking speed)
Rapid firing (4% bonus to rate of fire)
Sharpshooter (5% to weapon turret optimal range)
Surgical Strike (3% bonus to turret damage)
Trajectory Analysis (5% bonus fall-off range)
Weapon upgrades (5% reduction in CPU requirement)
Advanced weapon upgrades (5% reduction in power grid requirement)
Other skills are required to use specific weapon systems, in our case, hybrid turrets. Note that railguns and blasters are both forms of hybrid turrets:
Small hybrid turret (5% damage to small hybrid turret damage)
Medium hybrid turret, large hybrid turrets and I presume larger for capital ships.
Highly specialised skills required to use tech 2 weapon systems. At this level you must choose to improve either railguns or blasters:
Small railgun specialisation (2% increase in damage to tech 2 small railgun turrets)
Small blaster specialisation (2% increase in damage to tech 2 small blaster turrets)
At the start of your career as a Gallente pilot you could do worse than train up your railgun skills as a bonus to your main damage source (drones) on missions. As you progress and perhaps get into shooting other players there is a good chance that you will end up in a Thorax loaded up with blasters. Note that you are not fixed to going down the route of hybrid guns, these are just the turrets for which Gallente players have starting skills and the type of turrets that Gallente ships have bonuses for.Also note that some skills are hybrid turret specific but others give bonuses to all weapon systems. Naturally these skills are good time investments as they will transfer if you take a liking to projectile guns for your Myrmidon J
Eve Online
Wormhole collapsing

For the protection of our assets we collapsed a wormhole tonight.
Earlier that evening Draconica had been mining in a hulk and got jumped and blown up by Max Leadfoot of Explorers Corp Directive. Hoping that he would make a break for it we hung round the wormhole waiting for him to make a run for it. The wormhole collapsed and he escaped through the new one that appeared.
He appeared quite eager to return and visit more misery on us so we collapsed the wormhole by shuttling battleships backwards and forwards through it. For the record, X877 wormholes take 1,849.28 million mass before collapsing.
Eve Online,
Wormhole Operations
Monday, June 8, 2009

When watching our holds fill with gas got a bit much we decided that shooting each other in tech 1 ships might more interesting. MNEE are industrialists at heart, we mine, explore, manufacture, invent and mission when we need money. PVP has never really caught on, at least voluntary PVP, the other kind we have had plenty of. War declarations seem to follow us as we migrate from alliance to alliance.
So it is not unfair to categorise most of us as pvp noobs. With this in mind we started with a free for all, all of warped to a planet with a view to see who would be the last man standing. That quickly was shown to be rather chaotic and my ship had flames emerging from it for the rest of the night.
Next we tried to more structured 1 on 1. Rubico in his Caracal played cat and mouse with the Thoraxes and was declared winner. Then MCHammered logged on, took one of the Thorax and showed us how it is supposed to be done. By the time I logged off for the night he had beaten the Caracal 3 times.
It was fun. Next time we need to set some base rules:
Warp in time. The first to arrive has an advantage over the second to arrive.
Distance. Ships are either designed to get up close and dirty (Gallente) or keep their range (Caldari).
No blowing people up. Rubico came to the first engagement in frigate hoping that he could orbit faster than my guns could keep up. Most of the time he was right but when he got 5xlight neutron blasters in the face he found himself in his POD.
We need to fit out an ambulance with shield, armour and hull repairers.
So it is not unfair to categorise most of us as pvp noobs. With this in mind we started with a free for all, all of warped to a planet with a view to see who would be the last man standing. That quickly was shown to be rather chaotic and my ship had flames emerging from it for the rest of the night.
Next we tried to more structured 1 on 1. Rubico in his Caracal played cat and mouse with the Thoraxes and was declared winner. Then MCHammered logged on, took one of the Thorax and showed us how it is supposed to be done. By the time I logged off for the night he had beaten the Caracal 3 times.
It was fun. Next time we need to set some base rules:
Warp in time. The first to arrive has an advantage over the second to arrive.
Distance. Ships are either designed to get up close and dirty (Gallente) or keep their range (Caldari).
No blowing people up. Rubico came to the first engagement in frigate hoping that he could orbit faster than my guns could keep up. Most of the time he was right but when he got 5xlight neutron blasters in the face he found himself in his POD.
We need to fit out an ambulance with shield, armour and hull repairers.
Eve Online,
Wormhole Operations
Gas mining

So the proverbial goldmine turned up twice over the weekend. Class 5 systems produced ladar sites full of C320 (going for ISK160k/ unit in Jita that night) and C540 (going for rather less). The spawns are battleship size supported by frigates. Needless to say the gas mining ships are not really enough to take these out so we bring in remote repairing Dominix to take down the spawns. This has the unfortunate effect of putting a serious dent into the home system wormhole.
You need a hauler, my hold can hold 40 units or 6minutes of mining. One Iteron III can keep up with 3 maxed out gas miners across 4 wormholes.
I mine in a Myrmidon, with a co-processor it can fit 5 tech2 gas miners and a tank, just (499.75/ 500 teraflops). Each cycle take 1.5minutes and pulls in 10 units. That is ISK1.6m/ 90 seconds or about ISK60m/hour. Not much compares to that.
It isn’t the most exciting of Eve time but with voice communications, the thrill of unknowns entering the system, the corporation wallet expanding it is acceptable.
The second night we mined for a bit then had a tourney. If mining is watching paint dry, then gas mining is watching dry paint fade…
You need a hauler, my hold can hold 40 units or 6minutes of mining. One Iteron III can keep up with 3 maxed out gas miners across 4 wormholes.
I mine in a Myrmidon, with a co-processor it can fit 5 tech2 gas miners and a tank, just (499.75/ 500 teraflops). Each cycle take 1.5minutes and pulls in 10 units. That is ISK1.6m/ 90 seconds or about ISK60m/hour. Not much compares to that.
It isn’t the most exciting of Eve time but with voice communications, the thrill of unknowns entering the system, the corporation wallet expanding it is acceptable.
The second night we mined for a bit then had a tourney. If mining is watching paint dry, then gas mining is watching dry paint fade…
Eve Online,
Wormhole Operations
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hillbilly fighting

Last night MNEE and friendly neighbours found a WH into an adjacent class 2 system. A fleet was formed, a scout sent in and a hulk located. The hulk was pointed (an Eve term: 1 point of warp scrambling was applied to the hulk preventing him from warping out) and a ransom demanded. The hulk pilot prevaricated and called in reinforcements in the form of a Domi. The fleet jumped in, blew the Hulk and the Domi up and assaulted the small gunless POS in system.
I am of two minds about the whole thing. I don't like piracy. Attacking the other corp (SPQR) and their base wasn't going to net the corp anything substantial. The bits and pieces looted from the ships are a prize but not a very serious one. It looks like the corp went out to ruin someone's day. It isn't as though we were going to claim their system as when the WH closes we'll never see it again.
A serious attempt was made on to kill the pods (not by me though). In wormhole space this has a perverted sense to it. Whereas getting from your WH system to kspace is easy, getting from kspace to a specific WH system is not. By podding someone it removes them from the WH space and the battle in a rather more permenent manner than would happen in kspace.
Unless someone attacks us first I don't think I'll be taking part in these operations again.
I am of two minds about the whole thing. I don't like piracy. Attacking the other corp (SPQR) and their base wasn't going to net the corp anything substantial. The bits and pieces looted from the ships are a prize but not a very serious one. It looks like the corp went out to ruin someone's day. It isn't as though we were going to claim their system as when the WH closes we'll never see it again.
A serious attempt was made on to kill the pods (not by me though). In wormhole space this has a perverted sense to it. Whereas getting from your WH system to kspace is easy, getting from kspace to a specific WH system is not. By podding someone it removes them from the WH space and the battle in a rather more permenent manner than would happen in kspace.
Unless someone attacks us first I don't think I'll be taking part in these operations again.
Eve Online
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