Friday, October 31, 2008

Burnout mark 2

Games have a certain magic about them, they can be used for relaxing, laughing, challenging, escaping or simply an excuse to meet with friends.

I use games for a mix of the above but without doubt the biggest draw is that they allow me to plan something controllable. I enjoy the figuring out then sorting out that a new game brings. As long as the game has unfulfilled promise then it will entice me to keep playing. As soon as it becomes overly repetitive then my interest wanes.

Eve Online has this depth that defies immediate understanding and hence keeps me interested. I have wandered through the game setting myself medium term goals that are reachable within weeks and avoided goals that require longer to bring to fruition. Up to now these have been a mix of learning to fly a ship, getting a jump clone, having enough reputation with a corporation to use a particular agents and most recently, learning how to invent tech 2 BPC.

This last goal is actually a double goal though I didn’t understand that at first. I want to be able to participate in the corporation tech 2 manufacturing by helping research BPC into Tech 2 BPC. This is largely a skill learning exercise that has taken me away from my learning to fly fast and hard with lots of guns. A side advantage of the invention is that you can carry out research projects of your own that produce data cores that can be sold. To do this you need to get reputation with a research company, MNEE uses Duvolle, a Gallente corporation so I stuck with them.

What I hadn’t figured out was that you don’t need all the skills required for invention to do the research. So as soon as high energy physics is trained to level 3 tonight I will be seeking out a Duvolle agent and asking him to do some research and hopefully riches await!

What I really wanted to say was that I am boring again with Eve or at least the grind rep with Duvolle Labs. I need another goal!

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