Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back to Raiding

I noticed my name on last nights raid list last night and turned up for my first raid in 2 weeks. On the menu were Lurker, Vashj , Alar and Void Reaver . By 11.30 they were all looted and Slayfoe was fully kitted out in T5 goodness with the 4-piece bonus (Starfire does +10% damage when the target is affected by Moonfire).

With all of Serpentshrine Cavern on farm the Lurker is an anachronism and only taken to get everyone focussed and to make the water safe for the runs back from the graveyard and all the racing antics people use to get back first – SSC makes an interesting obstacle course with different options for druids and hunters – Korut with his aspect and me as a Sea-lion come about equal.
Vashj went down with surprising ease – she does take full focus and did require 4 tries before succumbing to FWE, but after all the fuss – she seemed quite easy. Being near the top of the table the Nordrassil Headpiece fell to me. The Prism of Inner Calm that reduces threat from crits also fell and was assigned to Wrangler – much against his wishes I suspect – it certainly didn’t stop him dying.

The raid then rolled onto The Eye (via token person and auction house for the new hat and gems to go in it) where Alar and Void Reaver went down. To my delight 3 of the Warrior, Priest, Druid shoulder tokens fell. To my surprise I was assigned one of them. Back to the token man, the Auction house and Slayfoe is now decked out in 4 pieces of very handsome T5. Pity I am in Boomkin form so much!

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