Enter the passive shield Celestis, a Gallente Cruiser with 5 mid slots. First thing I found is that you can use the level of shield extenders 'above' what you think you might use, so a frigate can use medium shield extenders and a cruiser can use large shield extenders - shield upgrade skill is your friend here (the skill reduces the amount of powergrid required to mount a shield extender). Along with an invulnerability field (shield equivilant of the EANM) you get a nice large shield. The draw back of the extenders is that the signature radius of your ship gets larger - but not by much.
With Core Defense Field Rig being about 3m in Dodixie I popped one of them onto the ship, it makes a difference, after putting this baby on the shield hardly went beneath 80% in level 2 missions.
In the lows I have the ubiqitous Damage Control II and Power Shield Relays. As an old active armour tanker I found this module hard to stomach, it's draw back is to reduce capacitor regen time while increasing shield regen. However the idea of the passive tank is that you don't need capacitor, that your shield natural regen rate is sufficient to keep your tank up. The other good side of this module is that they don't appear to have a stacking penalty. Indeed there are battleclinic loadouts with 6 of these babies on the low rack.
Most damage in the level 2 missions has been from the drones rather than the missiles. So I plan to skill up to get hobgoblin and hammerhead tech 2 drones. Then it is a matter of trust and being able to walkaway from the computer while the drones do their business!
[Celestis, Passive Shield Celestis]
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Damage Control II
Large Shield Extender I
Large Shield Extender I
Large Shield Extender I
Large Shield Extender I
Invulnerability Field I
'Malkuth' Assault Missile Launcher I, Sabretooth Light Missile
'Malkuth' Assault Missile Launcher I, Sabretooth Light Missile
Dual 150mm Carbide Railgun I, Thorium Charge M
Dual 150mm Carbide Railgun I, Thorium Charge M
Core Defence Field Purger I
[empty rig slot]
[empty rig slot]
Hammerhead I x3
Hobgoblin I x2
Effective hit points: 27.8k, defense: 108dps. Carraig needs to get shield upgrade V to fit this lot, until then she off-lines one of the railguns.